Services / Waste Management / Lead Poisoning Prevention
Lead Poisoning Prevention
Lead poisoning is invisible but completely preventable. Over 80% of U.S. homes built before 1978 have lead-based paint, which can create hazardous lead dust from chipping or peeling. This dust poses serious health risks, particularly to children, pregnant women, and adults.
Waste Management investigates reports of lead poisoning in children under 6 and employs Certified Lead Risk Assessors to identify lead exposure risks in homes. For assistance, call our Lead Prevention line at 513-421-5323.

Lead Hazard Reduction Programs
Hamilton County Public Health was awarded $2 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program. Funding is available to reduce lead paint hazards in homes built before 1978, as well as address healthy housing issues such as ventilation and moisture control. This program is available for low-income families who have a child under the age of 6 years old, a pregnant woman, or where a child under 6 years old spends time. There are no fees or out of pocket expenses in most cases to participate in this program. Click the button below for instructions on how to apply!
Lead Risk Assessment
- When an elevated blood lead level (>10 ug/dl) in a child under 6 years old is identified, this triggers the need for a lead risk assessment to determine what sources of lead exposure exists in the home.
- The risk of lead contamination is primarily found in homes built prior to 1978 that are in poor condition. Children 6 years of age or younger are most at risk from the presence of lead due to their behavior at this early age. For example, babies and young children often put their hands and other objects in their mouths. These objects can have lead dust on them.
- A certified Lead Risk Assessor visits the premises to check for the presence of lead hazards from potential sources such as lead-based paint, which may be present in dust and soil. Lead can also be found in older water systems containing lead pipes. The lead risk assessor determines potential exposures of lead during the assessment by performing a comprehensive analysis of all possible sources.
HEPA Vacuum Loan Program
Hamilton County Public Health loans HEPA vacuum cleaners at no charge ($100 refundable deposit required) to assist property owners with lead cleanup and removal. Please call the Health District’s Waste Management Division at (513) 946-7879 for more information. View loan agreement guidelines here.
Other Resources
Free Paint Chip & Soil Testing
Hamilton County Public Health provides testing of household chipping paint and soil for lead.
Click here to view the guidelines for paint and chip testing.
Common Sources of Lead Poisoning
Over 80 percent of all homes built before 1978 in the U.S. contain lead-based paint. Click here to view spaces in residential properties that are commonly susceptible to lead hazards.
Lead Hazard Control Orders
HCPH publicly lists open lead abatement work orders so that property owners, tenants, and purchasers are aware of existing lead based paint hazards on residential properties. View current list here.
Lead Abatement Contractor Search
Need lead hazards removed from your property? Click here to search for a licensed lead abatement contractor.