All HCPH offices will be closed on December 12, 2024 from 11am-1pm.

Hamilton County Public Health Releases Statement on Racism

For more than 100 years, we have been proud to serve the residents of Hamilton County as your health department. We have made it our mission to educate, serve and protect the people of Hamilton County.

At Hamilton County Public Health (HCPH), we often say that place matters when it comes to health. We talk about health disparities and health inequities and how to overcome them. We have talked about the barriers that some communities face in achieving optimal health.

What we have not said, but we are saying today, is that these barriers include racism. Racism reflected in the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and many others. Racism that is manifested in health disparities represent nothing less than a national public health crisis.

HCPH is committed to fighting these injustices.

To our predominantly African American and minority communities, we know the pain is more than you can bear. We know that you have struggled with these issues for generations. We hear you. We see you. And we stand with you.

HCPH pledges to be an ally to our minority communities. We pledge to listen, learn, and do the work, even when it is uncomfortable.

We will work for policies, system, and environmental changes that eliminate health disparities in minority communities and bring an end to systemic racism. We will build partnerships with organizations that fight racism. And we will encourage our partners and other organizations to recognize racism as a public health crisis.

HCPH’s mission is to educate, serve and protect the people of Hamilton County. We will continue to work toward a future where every person in Hamilton County has the ability to live our vision: Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives, Healthy Communities.

We know that the work is far from done and we pledge to do our part to make this vision a reality.

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