All HCPH offices will be closed on December 12, 2024 from 11am-1pm.




Hamilton County Public Health joined the Hamilton County Administration, the Board of County Commissioners and 14 local businesses for the first ever official signing day to join the Recovery Friendly Hamilton County Initiative (RFHC). The initiative aims to ensure employees and their families receive the resources and support they need to engage in and recover from substance use disorder.

RFHC began with a vision at Hamilton County Public Health (HCPH) for equipping local employers with the tools and resources they need to address substance use disorder (SUD) among their personnel. It is estimated that over 75% of Americans with an SUD are part of the workforce. The human and economic toll of addiction is far too great to go unchecked in the workplace.

In addition to providing resources to help employers fight SUD, HCPH wanted to embark on a countywide campaign that would champion and support those already in recovery as well as battle the stigma of addiction. Through extensive research and interagency coordination, RFHC has become one of many recovery-friendly workplace initiatives taking a foothold across the nation.

RFHC wants to enable Hamilton County workplaces to espouse advantageous recovery-friendly practices, recruit quality candidates, and retain valuable workers through a collaborative, no cost partnership.

We’re excited to welcome the Hamilton County Administration, the Board of County Commissioners and our first class of local businesses to the effort!