Services / Waste Management / Open Dumping
Open Dumping
Open dumping occurs when large quantities or piles of waste accumulate in areas not designed to handle such materials. Open dumping is illegal. Hamilton County has numerous facilities specifically engineered to safely dispose of certain types of waste.
When a suspected open dumpsite is reported to the Hamilton County Public Health, staff inspect the location and identify the type of waste. Staff then work closely with the responsible property owner to ensure proper disposal of the waste and clean up of the site.

Open Dump Sites
Open dumping can be found on private or public property. Some examples of areas that are potential sites for open dumping include:
- Road sides
- Ditches
- River beds
- Creek beds
- Secluded areas
To report an open dump, contact Hamilton County Public Health at (513) 946-7879 or submit a report through Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District’s website.
Health and Environmental Hazards
Improper disposal of waste is not only unsightly, but it may affect the public health and the environment. The level of potential harm depends on the type, location and amount of waste identified at an open dump. Open dumpsites may:
- Attract animals
- Serve as mosquito breeding areas
- Pose safety concerns for children
- Harbor disease
- Create unpleasant odors
- Affect soil and water quality
Notice of Intent to Fill
Clean hard fill is defined as construction and demolition debris consisting of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete, asphalt, concrete brick, block, tile and/or stone which can be reutilized as construction material. Use of clean hard fill for construction purposes or to bring a site up to a consistent grade is not considered open dumping. The Notice of Intent to Fill form (NOI) is an informational notification and is required under Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-05. The Notice of Intent to Fill form allows Hamilton County Public Health to verify that filling is acceptable but differentiates this activity from open dumping or landfilling. Notifications must be received at least seven days prior to filling.