All HCPH offices will be closed on December 12, 2024 from 11am-1pm.



Clinical Services & Disease Prevention

Our staff works to improve the health of Hamilton County residents through access to sexual health testing and treatment services, tuberculosis care, the Children with Medical Handicaps program, access to other health services, and much more.

Clinic Hours & Location

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am-4:00pm
    • No clinical services from 12:00pm – 1:00pm Monday – Friday
    • 4th Tuesday of each month: Closed from 8:00am – 1:00pm for staff training and development
  • All clinical services are by appointment only—no walk ins.
  • Tuberculosis skin tests and readings information:
    • By appointment only (call to schedule)
      • Skin test administrations are scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
    • No skin tests on Thursdays (readings only)
    • Skin Test Administration may be unavailable week of or before major holidays due to reading time constraints. 
    • Skin test readings must be completed 48 to 72 hours after administration and will be scheduled when you’re here for your skin test. If you miss your appointment, we may not be able to read your skin test and it may need to be replaced.
    • Please note, we do not read TB skin tests administered by facilities outside our own, and outside facilities are not allowed to read a skin test placed by HCPH. Both administration and readings must be done by our clinic staff.

We are located at 5050 Section Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45212 (Entrance on Ross Avenue).

Helpful tip: Search “Hamilton County Public Health Disease Prevention Clinic” on Google Maps for the most accurate directions.

Phone: (513)946-7610

Fax: (513)946-7603

If you are a provider needing to refer a patient to our clinic for TB services, please use our new and fillable TB Provider Referral Form.

To download clinic directions and contact information, please click here.

Download our new and fillable form here!

Clinical Services

Tuberculosis Testing & Treatment

The Hamilton County Tuberculosis Control Unit exists to treat and prevent tuberculosis (TB), a disease caused by bacteria that usually attack the lungs but can attack any part of the body such as the kidneys, spine & brain.

STI/HIV Testing & Treatment

We offer testing for STIs including HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HPV. We can provide treatment or a referral to an appropriate specialist if needed based on test results. Hamilton County Public Health is also a provider of Partner Notification Services to persons infected with HIV and Syphilis.

Children with Medical Handicaps (CMH)

CMH is a federal, state and locally funded program that provides comprehensive care and services to eligible families of children (under 21 years of age) with special health care needs. We assist with application and offer support and coordination for participating families.

Financial & Healthcare Resources

Help is available! If you do not currently have a regular family physician or medical insurance coverage, there are resources available to help you and your family receive the medical care you need.

Affordable Care Act

For information on the Affordable Care Act, we recommend going to They also have a 24-hour consumer hotline at 800-318-2596. (For help in Spanish, visit

Other places to get help with the Affordable Care Act:

  • Freestore Foodbank at 112 East Liberty Street, Cincinnati, Ohio;  (513) 482-4INS (4467); (513) 357-4633;
  • Clermont County Recovery Center, 1088 Wasserman Way #C, Batavia; 513-735-8100
  • Boone County Neighborhood Center, 6555 Nicholas St., Florence; 859-586-9250
  • Campbell County Neighborhood Center, 437 W. 9th St., Newport; 859-431-4177
  • HealthPoint Family Care, 1001 Scott Blvd, Covington; 859-655-6100
Government Health Care

Many families struggle with affording health care coverage. For those who may not have medical insurance available through jobs or who have substandard coverage, there are programs available to help. Healthy Start & Healthy Families is a program that can help families stay healthy and strong. It is free for children from birth to age 19 and pregnant women. Eligibility is based on income. If you think your family may qualify for these health care coverage programs, please call 513-362-2787 for more information.

Help for Children’s Healthcare Costs

The Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services may have services to help pay for children’s healthcare costs. For more information, visit them online here.