Hamilton County Public Health is dedicated to helping our community during the addiction crisis. Substance use can lead to an increase in hepatitis, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections. Our Harm Reduction program is here to offer compassion, education, and resources to the community.
What is a Harm Reduction Program?
Harm Reduction is a community framework that tries to remove negative consequences related to drug use. Our harm reduction program offers a comprehensive, community based program that provides disease prevention, education and referral services, including:
Substance use disorder education
Overdose prevention
Access to NARCAN (Naloxone)
Injection education
Safe injection equipment and disposal (SAFE Services)
Safe sex education
Hepatitis vaccination education
Personal care items like condoms
Referral for treatment for diseases like hepatitis, HIV and other STIs
Referral for pregnancy testing and sexual healthcare
Maternal health education
Referrals to providers for medical, mental health, and addiction treatment services
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who inject drugs and use a Harm Reduction Program are FIVE times more likely to enter treatment for substance use disorder and are more likely to reduce or stop injecting.
Our Harm Reduction Services
STI/HIV Testing
We offer HIV/STI testing, safe sex and injection education, personal care items (e.g., condoms) and referrals for treatment.
Stigma-Free Access for Everyone (SAFE) Services is a program designed to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and promote safety, health and wellness by proactively addressing risks.