Sump Pumps
A clear water sump pump is a pump located in the lowest part of a basement that will turn on automatically if the basement starts filling with water. It helps keep basements dry. Clear water sump pumps normally receive the discharge from footing or perimeter tile from around the outside of homes. These sump pumps are sometimes installed by basement water proofing contractors.

Inspections & Permits
If installed incorrectly, sump pumps may not work when you most need them, causing damage to your basement and personal property. Sump pumps must also be discharged properly.
We have an inspection process in place to ensure all mechanisms are working properly. During the inspection, the plumbing inspector will inspect the appliance to see that it is compliant with the Ohio Basic Plumbing Code.
Contractors must obtain a permit. Search our database of registered and bonded plumbing contractors to help you with your project.
Hamilton County Public Health will send you a postcard with the permit information and our phone number once a permit has ben obtained and an inspection is ready to be scheduled. Just call the listed number to schedule an inspection.
Sump Pump Discharge
Where should the sump pump discharge?
You may discharge to a natural ravine or gully on your own property; water shall discharge a minimum of 15 feet from any property line on your lot. Water may also discharge to storm sewers where possible.
Discharging your sump pump into a storm sewer is the ideal situation, unfortunately, they are not available in all areas. Contact your city/county maintenance department to see if a storm sewer is available in your area.
The sump pump may not, under any circumstances, discharge into a paved or unpaved street, road, alley, parking lot, building sewer, or sanitary main line.