All HCPH offices will be closed on December 12, 2024 from 11am-1pm.



Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF)

Hamilton County Public Health (HCPH), Ohio Department of Health (ODH), and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) have financial assistance to help qualifying homeowners in the repair/replacement of their failing household sewage treatment system (HSTS). This limited funding amount has been awarded to Hamilton County through the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) by the OEPA in the amount of $150,000.

If you wish to apply for funding, please call 513-946-7966 or email to ask for an application.

Applying for Funds

Applicants have been pre-approved for the funding in one of the following categories:

  • 100% of the installation cost paid by HCPH with 0% paid by property owner;
  • 85% of the installation cost paid by HCPH with 15% paid by property owner;
  • 50% of the installation cost paid by HCPH with 50% paid by property owner

If you wish to participate in this program, you will need to submit a quote for the total cost for all work needed to install the approved HSTS.  This will include all items specified on the approved HSTS design, any needed connection of plumbing into the building sewer, disconnection and re-routing of any clear water from the plumbing system or HSTS, any needed electrical service upgrade if required to accommodate the replacement HSTS components, any other eligible and justified items, finished grading, seed and straw, and proper abandonment of the existing HSTS components.

Quotes will be reviewed by a team of individuals and awarded to the qualified applicant based on the lowest and best bid and will depend upon the bidder’s availability to complete the requested work in a timely fashion.  Awarded contracts are strictly between HCPH and the selected contractor.  Any attempt to enter into separate contract, addendum, modification, invoice or other contractual agreement, except for the matching percentage to be paid directly by the owner to the contractor, without prior approval by HCPH may disqualify the bidder.

If selected to complete the HSTS installation, you will be contacted directly by HCPH.  At that time, you will be required to sign a site specific version of the contract listed in the link above. Once verified, a Notice to Proceed will be issued by HCPH allowing the selected contractor to begin the installation.  All installations must be completed (including final inspection) by the date specified in each attachment above and following receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

It should be noted that any unexpected changes and/or alterations needed during the performance of work, requires a Contract Change Order. Payment for any changed or extra services will not occur without pre-approval using this method.  Also note that the contract has special insurance and bid bonding/financial guarantee requirements that must be followed.

For the WPCLF portion of the payment to occur, HCPH must approve the final HSTS installation.  After which, the contractor must submit to HCPH an invoice, by the date specified in each attachment above, to document the incurred costs for the repair/replacement along with an approval certificate issued by HCPH.  Upon verification of this information, HCPH will send a request to Ohio EPA for reimbursement of the eligible system repair/replacement costs.  After confirmation by Ohio EPA, the Ohio Water Development Authority will distribute the funding to HCPH, who will then pay the contractor the approved amount.  Any portion of the approved bid amount not covered by the WPCLF must be paid by directly by the property owner to the contractor.

Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Projects Open For Bidding

Sewage Treatment Systems Replacements Open For Bidding

When submitting each quote, please include with them a completed, signed and dated copy of:

  • Hamilton County Bid Proposal Form
  • Contractor Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Certification Form
  • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters Form
  • American Iron and Steel (AIS) Form

If you have any questions concerning this program, please contact Water Quality directly at 946-7966.

Sanitary Sewer Connection Jobs Open For Bidding

  • Wheeler – 8376 Harrison: 100% grant funding
  • Gall – 8549 Bridgetown: 50% grant funding

Quotes for these services should include the services listed above and the following:

  • Contractor needs to be a licensed sewer tapper with the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) of Greater Cincinnati.
  • Sanitary sewer connection will require obtaining a Tap Permit with MSD, meeting all necessary permit requirements, and any applicable Tap-in fees.
  • Septic system abandonment will require obtaining a septic system abandonment permit from Hamilton County Public Health and associated fees.
  • Plumbing rerouting or corrections will require obtaining necessary plumbing permit(s) with Hamilton County Public Health and associated fees.
  • Any other necessary permitting and fees. (road right-of-way permitting, electrical permitting through the Inspection Bureau, Inc., etc.)
  • A site plan showing the proposed building sewer, tap location, and connection to the home.

When submitting each quote, please include with them a completed, signed and dated copy of the following documents:

  • A site plan demonstrating the proposed building sewer location
  • Hamilton County Bid Proposal Form (signed and dated)
  • Contractor Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Certification Form (signed and dated)
  • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters Form (signed and dated)
  • American Iron and Steel (AIS) Form (signed and dated)
If you have any questions concerning this program, please feel free to contact Water Quality directly at 946-7966.

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